1 results found for "oil pump engine"
  • engine oil pump
    engine oil pump
    Engine oil pump test bench
    Product function: Inspect the internal and external leakage of the power assist pump or steering gear, and detect the power assist pump or steering gear assembly, and the sealing performance of the control valve.   Detect the free travel, clearance, and total number of turns of the steering gear; detect the output torque fo rce of the power assist pump or steering gear; detect the pump pressure and its flow rate of the power assist pump.   Detect whether there is any tendency of unbalance, floating, getting stuck, shaking, or heavy hitting of the hand in the power of the power assist pump or steering gear.
Comprometidos con la investigación y el desarrollo, la fabricación y las ventas de instrumentos de prueba de laboratorio y sistemas de prueba de línea de producción
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