1 results found for "anchor rod"
  • Anchor Rod Drill Test Bench
    Anchor Rod Drill Test Bench
    Anchor Rod Drill Test Bench
    Product introduction: An anchor rod drill test bench is a crucial device for evaluating the performance of anchor rod drills. Our test bench includes the following components: Test Stand Host: Provides a stable support structure for the anchor rod drill. Testing System: Monitors torque, rotation speed, and pressure of the drill. Circulation System: Simulates liquid circulation for cooling and lubrication. Control System: Manages testing process, sets parameters, and analyzes data. The anchor rod drill test bench helps engineers optimize design, improve product quality, and understand working characteristics. It is essential for production, quality inspection, research, and development of anchor rod drills, enhancing reliability and safety in engineering construction.
Comprometidos con la investigación y el desarrollo, la fabricación y las ventas de instrumentos de prueba de laboratorio y sistemas de prueba de línea de producción
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